Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Aileron Hinge Brackets

Started work on the aileron hinge brackets. Here's the outboard one on the left wing. The ailerons attach to the aft of the wing and pivot on these brackets.

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Finished Top Wing Skins

All the top wing skins are finished. Austin came home on Saturday and we finished the last top wing skin lickety-split. Sure helps having someone to help and especially someone good with building! Austin and I removed the right wing and flipped the brackets on the stand and reinstalled it leading edge down so we can work on the flaps and ailerons easier plus have better access to the inside of the wing. Nephew Spencer came by on Sunday and we flipped the left wing. I also installed a 2x4 bumper guard outside the right wing that's next to Paula's car. That's all I'll say about that.

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Working on Left Wing Skins

I'm starting to rivet the left outboard top wing skin. I've found that my arms are long enough that I can get to almost all of the rivets from below by lying on a low platform and reaching around to both sides at the same time. I may need help on the top row but at least I'll get most of them.

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Finished Left Inboard Top Wing Skin

Here, Spencer and I are riveting the left inboard top wing skin. Spencer did a good job riveting and the wing skin looks great. We had a good rhythm going where he'd put the rivet in the hole and cover it with the rivet set and call "ON" and I'd get the bucking bar on the tail of the rivet and call "GO". We make a good team. Don't know about the camera person commentary, though. Edit: OK, the camera person can make silly commentary. She's got a garage pass as she (Paula) came out and helped me finish the last of the hard to reach rivets on Sunday night after Desperate Housewives. Much appreciated.