Below, I've finished the right wing leading edge and permanently attached it to the wing spar. It went fast having just completed the left one plus there is no stall warner or pitot tube to worry about in the right wing. Not that I was worried...just since the right wing doesn't have them, nothing to worry about...although, I did worry a little bit on the left wing...but only the good kind of worry that makes you concentrate and do a good job...but nothing to worry about in the right wing since it's stall warner and pitot free. After my tight access experience riveting the left wing, I got Paula to help with the most difficult rib to spar riveting . She actually did great and taught me something. She didn't grip the bucking bar very tightly which worked better. I think I have been holding it too tightly to the shop head side of rivets. On the ones I could reach, I eased up on my grip and sure enough, better rivets. Thanks, Paula!