Jumat, 12 November 2010

Ailerons Ready To Final Drill

I took Veteran's Day off as I am a veteran and got a lot of work done on the ailerons. I had planned on working half a day on the plane and the rest in the yard but it was a little rainy so I couldn't do the yard. No problem, I'll just keep working on the ailerons!

They're both ready for final drilling and then the usual deburring, dimpling, priming and then reassembly for final riveting. The only thing new in this go-around is the counterbalance. It's a galvanized water pipe that needs to be drilled and countersunk. You can see it in the picture above on the far left. OK, I know you're thinking to yourself, "self, what's with this cheesy water pipe thing". It just happens to be the perfect weight for a counterbalance since the controls are all balanced (which is a really top quality thing) and it's simple and weather proof. And, it's smoothly cut to within 1/64th of the nose skin. Now that's quality control especially since it's just a water pipe. If you really want to read more about aileron balance weights, the link takes you to a wikipedia article about them. Right below balance weights is a section on Frise ailerons, which is what you're looking at in these pictures.