Mike Kindon's Aeros Ukraine Skyranger Swift
ZK-SKS (c/n 815) was out for some taxying trial today (09-06-2011) with its new motor and propeller combination - checking on engine cooling. It originally had a 92 horse power Simonini engine and a three bladed 72 inch Ivo propeller. This was an ideal set up for short strip work but proved to be overpowered for normal use as the when operated within the smooth power operating range (about 5500 rpm) the airspeed was very close to the aircrafts VNE. It has now been fitted with a rebuilt Rotax 582 using a Brent Thompson two bladed prop.
Parked behind is the Aeros Ukraine Skyranger Swift ZK-SRS (c/n 816) of Wayne Wilson. This has the Aerovee 80 hp engine.