Here's the fuselage contents list from Van's:
- All skins accurately sheared and formed. All the RV-7/7A, RV-8/8A and RV-9/9A, fuselage skins are pre-punched.
- All fuselage bulkheads and ribs press-formed.
- Extruded angle for longerons and stiffeners. Formed aluminum angle for skin stiffeners.
- All the pre-cut and bent aluminum panels and channels used in the cockpit and baggage area.
- Ready-to-install rudder cables with stainless steel fittings.
- All steel parts such as longeron brackets, control sticks, rudder pedals, flap controls, tail wheel fork, are welded and in most cases, powder-coated as well.
- Main gear legs on the RV-6A, RV-7A, RV-8, RV-8A, and RV-9A.
- Brake master cylinders, lines, and fittings.
- All nuts, platenuts, washer, bolts, screws, rivets, pop-rivets, tube fittings needed.